High resolution, signal linearization and low flow rate accuracy make Max flow meters the leading choice for measuring brake fluid flow in-line. Several of the Max meters offer 500+ pulses per ml and as a positive displacement device, all of the flow is detected and reported, regardless of how low a flow rate you need to measure. To verify product performance and evaluate engineering improvements requires a brake fluid flow meter which can resolve the total flow to better than 1/1000th of a ml. Positive Displacement flow meters are not sensitive to changes in flow profile, fluid density or viscosity. Abrupt start/stop flow and reverse flows are all accurately counted. Theoretical results can be replaced with actual measured data, when you have the proper flow meter.
Max equipment specified: The Max Model P001 offers a 12,000 pulse/ml resolution which exceeds the resolution available from any other meter. With such a high pulse count per milliliter, the Model P001 can detect leaks in a closed system or quickly register the application of the brake pedal. If the test requires verification of the forward and reverse flow from the master cylinder, a quadrature output is available to report flow reversal with the same precision in both directions. The MAX Model G004 also offers a small displacement for a 500 pulse/ml resolution and as a robust gear design is well suited for abrupt flows or reversal of flow direction. The Model P001 and Model G004 meters are uniquely suited to monitor brake fluid flow rates. To refine the components and systems used in the next generation of automobiles and trucks, industry leaders are turning to Max flow meters for flow accuracy that will give them the edge. If you would like a quote for a similar project, please let us know.